Welcome to ESL-talk.com

A Podcast by English Teachers, for English Teachers…

Season 7 on the way!!!

Season 6 Episodes:

Season 5 Episodes:

Meet your Hosts:

  • Fey has been teaching English since 2007. She started out teaching Business English and preparation courses for the Cambridge exams in Brazil. Since moving to Canada in 2010, she has continued to specialize in Cambridge exam prep and English for Academic purposes. She started her own online teaching business at the end of 2020 and is now working with students from all over the world.

    In addition to ESL talk, Fey has trained teachers taking TESL certificates and has mentored several others as Head Teacher and Assistant Director of Studies for International House Vancouver.

    You can follow Fey on: Instagram or Youtube

  • Daniel started teaching English back in 2011 and now has over a decade of worldwide teaching experience. In his teaching career so far, he has worked in the UK, South Korea, and Canada. He has taught elementary school, middle school, high school, and University students from 80+ countries. He now works with University students from all over the world, helping them to improve their English and Academic Writing.

    In addition to ESL talk, Daniel has written and published several books on English teaching, runs his own English teaching business, and regularly creates content for his students on social media.

    You can follow Daniel on Instagram or Linkedin